3 Types of Diets You Can Try
Every year millions of people start a resolution-based diet in January, and for most, the diet is forgotten by February. It could be the lure of the fast foods, and incredible way cuisine is advertised, or perhaps it is the fantastic smells your favorite restaurant has when you walk through the doors. The failure of so many diets every year may be why new programs are developed in the hope that a new strategy can deliver bigger and better results to more people in Lexington KY. Here are four of the latest diet trends for you to consider before you make your next diet resolution.
1. Plant-Based
As the name implies, this diet is all about eating only plants. Filling your plate with vegetables and adding two to four servings of fruit a day, the plant-based diet is a healthy way to make your body feel better with little to no drastic changes. You may try for a meatless week and add fish on the weekend or replace dairy other animal products with plant generated foodstuffs.
2. Intermittent Fasting
There are several types of programs of intermittent fasting for different people with different lifestyles to try. Some people refrain from eating for 18 hours a day. Others believe that skipping food for one full day a week works best for them. A few people find that eating a restricted diet of around 500 calories for two days of the week helps them maintain the weight they want to be at. No matter which you choose, make sure you are comfortable with the limit, or you could promote an unhealthy relationship with your food.
3. Peptide Injection
Peptide injection is the use of an amino acid chain to tell the body to burn fat instead of storing it. Although the diet has been promoted by people like Ryan Smith, it has only just begun to show the popularity of other types of diets.
Before you diet, know what you are committing to and make sure you are sure about the commitment. The yo-yo cycle does more damage to your body than maintaining those extra 10 pounds.