3 Ways Your Smart Home Can Keep You Healthy
Smart gadgets are enhancing our health by offering better sleep solutions, monitoring air quality in the home, and assisting in healthy meal planning. Discover products that will enhance sleep, control home temperatures, and make sticking to better eating habits easier.
3 Ways Your Smart Home Can Keep You Healthy
Monitor Air Quality
Image via Flickr by Scott Cawley
Indoor air quality (IAQ) monitors are the answer to maintaining healthy air in the home. Air pollutants including dust, chemicals, carbon dioxide, pollen, and more affect indoor air. The health hazards associated with poor IAQ can be detrimental to sensitive individuals.
An IAQ monitor can give relative readings of humidity, temperature, and concentrations of certain air particles. The readings and collected data alerts when pollutants are high and can signal the need for HVAC system servicing and other adjustments to a home’s temperature and humidity. Popular IAQ monitors on the market include the Nest, Awair, and the Foobot. IAQ monitors can contribute to keeping you healthy by helping you lower the risk for upper respiratory symptoms, allergies, and asthma.
Smart thermostats are an indoor air quality management system to control room temperatures conveniently from your mobile phone. These thermostats also collect information on efficiency and energy usage with the added benefit of reducing energy waste and lowering utility bills. The accompanying app can send maintenance and service reminders as it coordinates operations with your HVAC system.
Assist With Food Planning for Healthy Meals
The Hello Egg is a kitchen assistant designed to help automate your food routines, such as planning meals and grocery store visits. With an encyclopedia of recipes, the Hello Egg can accommodate many dietary preferences.
Research shows home cooking is healthier than eating out, and what better way to start practicing than with a personalized assistant to teach cooking techniques and assist in creating shopping lists. This kitchen gadget not only keeps you healthy, but it also saves on the dining out bill.
Monitor Sleep
Sleep deficiency is linked to many chronic health problems, including heart disease, kidney disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, stroke, obesity, and depression.
Say goodbye to restless nights with the Matrix, the first smart mattress that uses ballistocardiography to track heart rate variability. It tracks breathing, movement, stress, and sleep cycles. A smart mattress is a great value-added product for reducing stress, increasing energy, and reducing health issues related to sleep deprivation.
The Nora smart pillow is a possible solution for snoring without an uncomfortable nasal apparatus. It includes a pillow insert that detects snoring during the night and starts a gentle movement to stimulate the throat muscles. When snorers turn or reposition themselves, natural breathing is resumed, which helps both the snorer and a partner sleep throughout the night. A monitor component comes with the pillow, but it’s not space invasive, doesn’t have wires, and fits under the bed.
Now that you know how a smart home can keep you healthy, you can feel confident in your search efforts to find the best smart gadgets for your household. Cheers to your future, lower utility bills, and your health.