Best Foods To Get Rid of Belly Fat
Lifestyle,  Nutritional Support,  Womens Health

Best Foods To Get Rid of Belly Fat

You’ll want to eat these Best Foods To Get Rid of Belly Fat. 5 foods that will make you burn belly fat naturally. Mufa’s will help you lose your belly fat and lose weight. the reason why is because it reduces inflammation in our body.

Best Foods To Get Rid of Belly Fat eat these foods to reduce belly fat.

What are Mufa’s?

Best Foods To Get Rid of Belly Fat eat these foods to reduce belly fat.

Eating the right fats will melt away fat. 

Let’s Break it Down first with MUFA’s

Known as historical fat. Grabbing Low-fat foods is a big mistake because they are filled with additives. We want to eat the right fats that will help flush our fat.

    • Adding MUFA’s to your diet – Mufa’s are actually healthy fats that are plant-based, not coming from an animal and the plus is that they are really good for your system.
    • Add Mufa‘s  to your meal plan every day.

These Mufa’s will reduce inflammation in our bodies. Inflammation can be seen on the body as itchy dry skin, red patches. The body trying to protect itself.

Adding about a handful of MUFA’s to each meal is beneficial. Make a salad which consists of a little Extra Virgin Olive Oil, sunflower seeds, almonds and pumpkin seeds. Good fats mixed in with healthy greens. 🙂

Best Foods To Get Rid of Belly Fat

  • Oils – Oils like sunflower, peanut, olive, soybean, canola, flaxseed, and other oils are all very high in monounsaturated fat. The source from where the oil comes from is also high in MUFA too, so remember that.
  • Avocados – The Avocado is high in potassium, fiber, vitamins A and E, and folic acid. Add Avocados to your burgers, salads, chicken sandwiches and roll-ups.
  • Nuts and Seeds- Adding seeds like pumpkin and sunflower will give you the good fat in your salads. Eat a handful of Brazil nuts right before a meal. These are simple ways to eat nuts and seeds.
  • Olives – Black olives, black olive tapenade, green olives, green olive tapenade. Use them in salads, sandwiches and top your pizza with them.
  • Dark Chocolate – Dark or semisweet chocolate chips. Use them in any recipe that requires chocolate!
You'll want to eat these Best Foods To Get Rid of Belly Fat. 5 foods that will make you burn belly fat naturally for weight loss. Mufa's will help you lose your belly fat and lose weight. Reduces inflammation in our body which helps with weightloss.

April and Dave are the creators of Skinny Over 40 which is about living a healthy lifestyle over 40, and under. We give you the skinny on detoxing and weight loss.


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